Many of us are locked down in places other than home and are yearning to go home. Trains will start in few days’ time and flights will start too soon after that.
Travelling as we know it won’t be the same in the near future. In fact it will change the way we are currently used to. We have been told that this virus is here to stay for some time and we will have to adapt to defeat this virus.
We want to make sure that YOU travel safe in the foreseeable future and we are listing down some precautionary measures for you.
- Reach Early – Try to reach atleast 3-4 hours early so that all checks can be done in a timely manner. Though there are no clear guide lines as of now but try and reach early to avoid last minute rush which may lead to lapse of physical distancing. There will be thermal scans leading to slow progression of lines.
- Wear Masks – There is no way that you travel without it. In fact it will be mandatory that you wear a mask while travelling. There are tons of masks out there such as N95, N90, surgical masks and even cotton masks. Ensure that you and your close ones are wearing them and carrying extra masks.
- Hand Hygiene - Perform hand hygiene frequently, particularly after contact with respiratory secretions. Hand hygiene includes either cleaning hands with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand rub. Alcohol-based hand rubs are preferred if hands are not visibly soiled; wash hands with soap and water when they are visibly soiled.
- Cover Face - Cover your nose and mouth with a flexed elbow or paper tissue when coughing or sneezing and disposing immediately of the tissue and performing hand hygiene and REFRAIN FROM TOUCHING YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE FREQUENTLY.
- Drinking Water & Food – It is advisable that you carry your home food box to ensure that there is no food contamination. Also carry your own water bottle and do not place them anywhere. After drinking, put them back in backpack to ensure there is no surface contamination.
- Wear Gloves – Wear gloves throughout the journey if possible or else wear it while embarking on the flight such as during check in, security check and while entering the flight. Use the disinfectants while seated and then you may take them off.
- Carry Hand Sanitizer & Surface disinfectants - Use it often and regularly. Use surface disinfectants spray on table tops and hand rests or any object that you may be using.
- Passport & Other documents – You will be required to handover your passports or ID cards and tickets to authority from time to time. So best is to use our Passport Cover or Travel Folder and Travel Wallet which safely encloses the passport and other documents. You can spray them with disinfectant after you receive them back from the authority. You will be required to show your passports/id cards/tickets while entering the airport, check in, security check and while boarding. And after landing at immigration and during hotel check in. So that is around 6-7 time you will be required to handover your documents to 6-7 strangers during the course of your journey. Our Passport Covers are washable or you can spray sanitizers on them.
- Vaccination - Although there is no available vaccine available for COVID-19, getting vital flu and infection shots are a good way to lower your chances of developing or catching a common cold, flu and influenza viruses which are all linked to the spread of coronavirus infection and reduce the risk of respiratory infections as well. If you are travelling internationally, consult your doctor for necessary travel advice.
- Physical Distancing - As important as it is to limit your contact with those who are sick, it is also crucial you maintain distance from others if you are sick or think you are developing symptoms of any disease when you are travelling, on board a flight, train or cruise or in a space where there's a heavy crowd. If you are returning, practice self-isolation and inform your doctor at once. Avoid close contact with those who are sick, and more importantly those showing cold symptoms, which start as the primary Coronavirus infection symptoms.
- Booking Hotel – Lots of hotel will start sanitizing the rooms and the common area. Ensure that you check with the hotel before booking.
The above list covers most aspects while traveling but there is nothing better than using your own judgement and sense while travelling.
Happy Travels!!!